• Your deductible is what you will pay out of pocket before your health insurance will begin to cover any qualified expenses. Deductibles are usually an annual amount. Many plans offer preventative benefits even before you have met your deductible. CLICK HERE for a list of preventative services that are covered for free before you have …

  • Many health insurance plans will have a copay associated with certain services. This means that prior to meeting your deductible, you will only be responsible for the copay. In our example above, if you have a $10 copay for a primary care visit, then even before you hit your $1,000 deductible, you will still only …

  • After you have paid your deductible, you still may be required to pay co insurance. This is a small percentage of your medical bills that you’ll pay after paying for your deductible. So for example, if you have a $1,000 deductible with an 80/20 plan you will pay your $1,000 deductible, then 20% of any …